Ginger G

Ginger G

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A tribute to my Dad, my Hero, this Veterans Day

Since I can remember, I've always been a Daddy's girl. Don't get me Mom is an amazing woman whom I love, respect and look up to very much, but my Dad has always been bigger than life to me.  This amazing man who worked his fingers to the bone from a very young age on our family farm in Washburn and then enlisted in the Marine Corps at the young age of 19.  The man who has always protected me, supported me, encouraged me and so very much more. Dad has told us kids a few stories over the years of his time in Vietnam & as many times as I've retold the stories to telling his stories never do them justice.  So this year I decided it was time to let my Dad tell his own story.  It's the absolute least that I can do not only for my Dad, but all men & women in the Armed Forces for the sacrifices they've made & still make every day to allow us the freedoms we have today.  This Veterans Day please remember the true meaning of this day, remember all the men & women who never came home, honor those who have served and still serve in our military today.  Here are the words of my Hero! God Bless the USA!

Ginger G and her Dad, Dennis
Sgt Dennis Grueneich Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division
Ginger G's Dad speaks of the Vietnam War
Ginger G and her Hero

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