City of Bismarck Celebrating Arbor Day Sept. 23rd 2020
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Time:1:30 PM
Location: Optimist Park, 2098 N 16thSt., Bismarck.
The Bismarck Forestry Division plans to host a community recognition program and ceremonial tree planting Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 1:30 PM,at Optimist Park, 2098 N 16thSt., Bismarck.
This event is open to the public.
Attendees are being encouraged to bring and wear a masks for when 6 feet social distancing isn't possible.
The theme this year is “Trees Are Terrific!”.
As is the case every year, a tree will be dedicated to a local citizen whose efforts have made a contribution to Bismarck's urban forest at the ceremony this year.
Greg Smith is to be recognized for his over 21-year career with the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District.
The Arbor Day Ceremony will include: Apple Seed Awards presented for 2019 landscape beautification efforts of public property as well as recognition of 2019 Partners in Planting sponsors – community minded organizations that have partnered with the City to provide funds for a matching grant to help home owners plant street trees.
Fifth-grade students from Shiloh Christian School will also take part in the ceremony.
The City of Bismarck is set to receive the 43rd consecutive Tree City U.S.A. Award and national designation in honor for its commitment to urban forest management.
If weather is favorable, the tree planting will take place at the end of the program.
For more info visit or call 355-1733.