Bismarck Outdoor Pools to Open Monday with Safety Protocols and New Hours
Bismarck’s outdoor pools are set to open on Monday, June 1.
ND Smart Restart capacities will be in place, along with safety protocols and new pool hours. Protocolsare subject to change throughout the summer in accordance with the CDC and ND Department of Heath guidelines.
The pool, location and hours are:
The Elks Aquatic Center, 321 W. Broadway Ave., hours are Noon-6pm daily.
The Hillside Aquatic Complex, 1719 E. Boulevard Ave., hours are Noon-7pm daily, with lap swimming from 11:30am-12:30pm Monday through Friday.
The Paul H. Wachter Aquatic Center, 205 E. Reno Ave., hours are Noon-6pm daily.
The cost is $3.50 per person and $5 per person with the Hillside waterslide.
The training of lifeguards is ongoing. There will be no outdoor lessons offered in June. Lessons are scheduled, at this time, from July 6-17, with registration taking place at the outdoor lesson pool of your choice on June 29 at 11am, and June 30-July 3 at Noon. A final session of outdoor lessons will be offered July 27-August 7, with registration taking place at the outdoor pools on July 20 at 11am and July 21-24 at Noon each day. There is no online registration available for outdoor lessons. The size of each class will be limited to allow for a safe experience for the participants and the staff. Participants must be at least three years old. Lessons are $35 per child and are 30 minutes each, from 9:30-11:30am.
The schedule for indoor swimming lessons at the BSC Aquatic & Wellness Center is still being developed. More information on registration and dates for those lessons will be announced on the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District website,, when finalized