ND: Burleigh County Government Limiting Public Contact and Facility Access

Burleigh County Government Limiting Public Contact and Facility Access

Effective March 19, 2020, Burleigh County is limiting public contact and access to all of their facilities in response to COVID-19.

If you have business to conduct with Burleigh County, contact the Department directly for instructions. Alternate communications for business may be directly over the phone, email, website, conference call, drop box, mail, or video calls.

Auditor/Tax Equalization:......... 701-222-6718

Building/Planning/Zoning: ........ 701-221-3727

Buildings and Grounds:............ 701-222-6651

Detention Center:.................... 701-255-3113

Emergency Management:........ 701-222-6727

Extension Office: ..................... 701-221-6865

Highway Department: ............. 701-204-7748

Human Resources: .................. 701-222-6536

Recorder: ................................ 701-222-6749

Sheriff’s Department: .............. 701-222-6651

Social Services: ........................ 701-222-6670

State’s Attorney: ..................... 701-222-6672

Veterans Service: .................... 701-222-6698

Department Contacts: https://burleighco.com/departments/

Website: burleighco.com

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